
a kind of diet Learn more about a kind of diet

  • Problems needing attention in chicken diet collocation

    Problems needing attention in chicken diet collocation

    There are many kinds of feed for chickens. What kind of feed is the main one? How to match scientific and reasonable and low price? First of all, you must know what nutrients the chickens need. Due to the different requirements of various chickens, such as light laying hens, heavy laying hens or broiler chickens, chickens, large chickens or breeders, the nutrients required by various chickens are not completely consistent in quantity and quality, and chicken farmers should query the corresponding information according to chicken varieties and sizes to determine the required nutrients. 2. To understand which kind of feed is produced locally and the price

  • Matching principle of Pig Diet

    Matching principle of Pig Diet

    The purpose of formulating the feeding standard is to carry out standardized feeding for pigs, that is, the diets used for feeding should be in line with the nutrition of specific pigs, and through the diet formula, pigs can be provided with nutritious full-price diets, give full play to the production potential of pigs, and improve feed utilization.

    2020-11-27 Pig daily grain coordination principles formulation feeding standards
  • Types of plant feed in fox diet

    Types of plant feed in fox diet

    Plant feed is also an important part of fox diet. Including all kinds of cereals, processing by-products of oil crops and all kinds of vegetables. This kind of feed is rich in carbohydrates and complements the energy needed by foxes. First, cereals are generally fed to foxes such as corn flour, whole wheat flour and so on. Cereal processing by-products can also be fed to foxes in small amounts. Cereal feed must be crushed and cooked before it can be fed to foxes. The cooking methods adopted in the production site usually include: cooking porridge, steaming nest head, roasting, baking, puffing and so on. The purpose of feed crushing and ripening is to break

  • The principle of preparing diets for meat pigeons with adequate nutrition and all-round development

    The principle of preparing diets for meat pigeons with adequate nutrition and all-round development

    The principle of preparing diets for meat pigeons with adequate nutrition and all-round development

  • Chicken diet mixing method

    Chicken diet mixing method

    When using the diet, it is required that the nutrients contained in each part of the feed for chickens are balanced and the same, otherwise the chickens will be malnourished, lack of disease or poisoning, even if your diet formula is very scientific and the feeding conditions are very good, still can not get satisfactory feeding effect. Therefore, the feed must be stirred evenly to meet the nutritional needs of chickens. There are two methods of feed mixing: mechanical mixing and manual mixing. As long as they are used properly, satisfactory results can be obtained. Mechanical mixing: using a mixer. Commonly used stirring

  • Pigs with seasoning grow fast

    Pigs with seasoning grow fast

    Pigs have a developed sense of taste, and there are more than 15000 taste cells in the oral cavity. Adding seasoning (seasoning) to the feed can promote the secretion of salivary glands, gastric glands and pancreas, increase food intake and promote growth and development. At present, there are several kinds of seasonings that are widely used. Sweet seasoning added 0.05 grams of saccharin to the diet of fattening pigs per kilogram could increase the daily gain of pigs by 6.4% and reduce feed consumption by about 5%. Adding a certain amount of saccharin to the diet of lactating sows can prevent sows from feeding.

  • Design principle of feed formula for broilers

    Design principle of feed formula for broilers

    Design principle of feed formula for broilers

  • Leave a green diet experience for three meals a day.

    Leave a green diet experience for three meals a day.

    Leave a green diet experience for three meals a day.

  • Series of courses "Green Diet in Taipei"

    Series of courses

    Series of courses "Green Diet in Taipei"

  • Experience of feed matching in breeding hedgehog

    Experience of feed matching in breeding hedgehog

    The main results are as follows: 1) the energy feed and energy in the diet are the first problems that must be considered in the process of feeding hedgehogs, because the energy composition is the most important nutrients in feed and hedgehog needs. And the three major substances in the feed

    2020-11-08 Breeding hedgehog feed formula experience diet energy
  • The second part of my experience in the design of feed formula

    The second part of my experience in the design of feed formula

    The second part of my experience in the design of feed formula

  • The rice seedlings were caused by the improper proportion of the diet.

    The rice seedlings were caused by the improper proportion of the diet.

    The rice seedlings were caused by the improper proportion of the diet.

  • What kind of food do minks eat?

    What kind of food do minks eat?

    What kind of food do minks eat?

  • Feed preparation of Fox

    Feed preparation of Fox

    Fox is internationally recognized as one of the precious fur animals, which is raised in many countries in the world. It belongs to carnivorous monogastric animals and needs to prepare feed according to nutritional needs and feeding standards as well as local feed conditions. At the same time, attention should be paid to the complementary effects and physical and chemical properties of various feed proteins in order to improve the nutritional value and utilization rate of feed. (1) Dietary feed for foxes 1. Animal feed: including all kinds of small fish, livestock and poultry, and all kinds of wild animals, such as rats, earthworms, fly maggots, frogs and so on. You can also use fish meal.

  • Application of phytase in diets of pigs and chickens

    Application of phytase in diets of pigs and chickens

    Phytic acid or phytate is common in plant feed, and most of the phosphorus exists in the form of phytate phosphorus. Phytic acid can form a stable complex with metal ions such as calcium ion, iron ion, zinc ion and copper ion, and can also combine with protein and starch, reducing the activities of endogenous amylase, protease and lipase. The digestibility of nutrients decreased significantly. Phytic acid is not absorbed by monogastric animals, and most of it is excreted in the form of feces, which not only greatly reduces the utilization rate of phosphorus, but also causes environmental pollution, especially water pollution.

  • Pig food plus seasoning has a good fattening effect.

    Pig food plus seasoning has a good fattening effect.

    The taste of pigs is well developed, and there are as many as 15000 taste cells in the mouth. Adding seasoning (seasoning) to feed can promote the secretion of salivary glands, gastric glands and pancreas, increase food intake and promote growth and development. At present, there are the following kinds of seasonings: sweet seasoning in the diet of fattening pigs per kilogram, adding 0.05 grams of saccharin can increase the daily gain of pigs by 6.4% and reduce feed consumption by about 5%. The addition of 60ppm saccharin to the diet of lactating sows can prevent anorexia and excess during lactation.

  • Feeding method of fattening cattle

    Feeding method of fattening cattle

    Feeding method of fattening cattle

  • Is it better to eat beef or mutton in winter? Beef aphrodisiac or mutton aphrodisiac? Attached: matters needing attention in winter diet

    Is it better to eat beef or mutton in winter? Beef aphrodisiac or mutton aphrodisiac? Attached: matters needing attention in winter diet

    Whether it is better to eat beef or mutton in winter does not make much sense. It is very good to eat beef and mutton in winter. Low temperature in winter, the human body needs to eat high-protein food to help protect against the cold, mutton and beef are rich in protein, eat these two kinds of meat in winter

    2020-11-11 Winter eat beef good or mutton aphrodisiac attached winter
  • Prevention of piglet diarrhea by increasing feed nutrition (4)

    Prevention of piglet diarrhea by increasing feed nutrition (4)

    Prevention of piglet diarrhea by increasing feed nutrition (4)

  • Technical points of feeding and Management of Beef cattle

    Technical points of feeding and Management of Beef cattle

    Technical points of feeding and Management of Beef cattle
